
Category: Articles

Hamas or Palestine

Hamas or Palestine

The entire world stands with the Palestinians.  The onslaught attack on Gaza by Israel in 2023 has reached the voices of millions across the world. The entire world except for Pakistan is unable to distinguish between standing for the cause for Palestine and between the extremist group Hamas. A speaker.

The Information War Part II

The Information War Part II

The Information War has greatly sidelined the Pakistan Army as the biggest counter against terrorist movements in the region of South East Asia. As media units must update themselves to dwell at length about terrorist movements, one wonders how the good fight would be fought sitting abroad,  through disseminated information..

Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan (GBV)

The Hudood Ordinance Part II Gender-Based Violence (GBV) has always been an issue in Pakistan. With the country ranking 145 out of 146 countries on the Gender Parity Index (World Economic Forum), this puts Pakistan next to Afghanistan on the bottom end of the list as far as women’s rights.

Noor Mukadam of Pakistan

Noor Mukadam of Pakistan

(Gender Based Violence against Women- Part I) The gruesome murder of Noor Mukadam, serves as a classic example of Pakistan’s own instability on violence against the vulnerable. It seems there is a certain level of assurance that a man can get away with heinous acts without any fear of the.

Blackout in Pakistan

Blackout in Pakistan

The turmoil in the country which has ensued after the arrest of IK is the start of another dark chapter in the history of Pakistan. After showing him and the nation dreams of emancipation from the clutches of an authoritarian network, this is the final play making apparent who will.

The Elections Must be Held Unabated (Part I)

The Elections Must be Held Unabated (Part I)

With the dissolution of any Assembly, the Constitution clearly states the elections must be held within 90 days. Regardless of which political agenda one supports, the Constitution of Pakistan should be upheld. Any delay in elections at this point will give the perception that democracy is being hijacked. The Chief.